The bar is really coming along.  We're painstakingly trying to make new drinks through hours of trial and error.  We're also trying to put some creative spins on old drinks.  

Superbowl party coming up soon, should be a good time.  We'll have plenty of food and booze.  Just bring something for the bar and all are welcome!

The newest drink has been added to the menu, the Whiskey Sauerbrun.  Still working on the daquiris but now that we have the snow cone maker up and running, it should be a fun trial period!
Dave, Skeeter and I officially christened the bar last night.  We drank while Amy worked.  Dave and I put a real hurting on.  Having a full fledged whiskey bar downstairs may in fact ruin my life.  I can now literally open my bedroom door and fall down the stairs and into a bar.  It's a dream come true.

Bears game today, all are welcome to come watch as we ass kick our way into the playoffs.